Mode of operation and application On limit signal indicators with low-action contacts the switching operation is made exactly when the instrument pointer and the set point indicator are above each other. The contact pins are touching or are seperated. These contacts are not suitabel for high contact loads at normal operation conditions. The mounting must be vibration-free, because otherwise accidental switching could take place.
If the switching shall take place exactly at the adjusted limit value and the pressure measuring device is not mounted vibration-free our contact protection relays with time delay are recommended.
Where an aggressive atmosphere may take place, that causes an oxidation of the contacts, at very high switching frequencies as well as in potentially explosive areas our limit switches with inductive contacts are recommended.
On twice or multiple contacts the set point can be adjusted such, that the switching difference is approximately only 1 % of the scale end value.
On liquid-filled pressure measuring devices low-action contacts are inapplicable. We recommend inductive respectively electric limit signal indicators.
Technical Data
Voltage: | max. 250 V | Contact rating: | 10 W/18 VA | Contact material: | silver-nickel 10 µm, gold-plated | Ambient temperature:
| -20°C to + 70°C respectively according to the particular characteristics of the pressure measuring device. |
The contacts are non-inductive.
1.2 Magnetic contacts ( M ) Mode of operation and application On limit signal indicators with magnetic contacts a screwable permanent magnet is mounted on the carrier arm below the limit value pointer, secured with locking solution. Thereby the contact arm is pulled at the closing contact shortly before reaching the limit value pointer, respectively at isolating contacts the contact seperation is delayed. This switching difference can be 2-5% of the scale end value according to the straightening force of the discriminating element and the adjusted magnet force. The limit value pointers must be put forward respectively backward by this difference. Because the magnet is screwable, the switching difference is changeable. The permanent magnet increases the contact pressure (thereby higher contact rating) and protects the contacts against burning through arcs. Limit signal indicators with magnetic contacts are applicable nearly everywhere, because they are as far as possible immune against vibrations. Their application area can be extended by our contact protection relays.
Where an aggressive atmosphere is expected, that causes an oxidation of the contacts, at very high switching frequencies as well as in potentially explosive area our limit switches with inductive contacts are recommended. On liquid-filled pressure measuring devices we recommend likewise inductive or electric limit signal indicators.
Technical Data ( M )
Voltage: | up to max. 250 V | Contact rating: |
up to max. 30 W / 50 VA, the switching current must not excess 1 A, constant current 0,6 A
| Contact material: | silver-nickel, 10 µm gold-plated. | Ambient temperature: | -20°C to +70°C respectively according the particular measurement device characteristics |
 The contacts are non-inductive.
Mode of operation (load current principle) and application Inductive limit signal indicators are electric path transducers (proximity switches) without contact according to EN 60947-5-2. Essentially the system consists of a transistor oscillator, whose voice coils are arranged to both sides of the slot initiators. When a metall flag dips into this air gap the high frequency oscillation is damped. Only a little control current (≤ 1mA) is flowing, the initiator gets highly-resistive, the relay in the downstream isolating amplifier drops out. When the flag is leaving the initiator, a high control current ( ≥ 3 mA) is flowing again. The initiator gets low-resistive, the relay in the downstream isolating amplifier picks up. The path transducer is mounted on a carrier arm that is joined with the set point indicator, while the control flag is moved by the actual value pointer. The switching operation takes place exactly when the control flag is in the middle of the path transducer. The velocity, with which the control flag is moved, does not matter here. Inductive limit signal indicators are wear-resistant due to the lack of mechanical contact and thereby absolute maintenance-free and also corrosion-resistant, because all electrical parts are cast watertight in a plastic housing with resin.
The torque that appear on the actual value pointer by the control flag is as low as on low-action contacts. For class 0,6 pressure measuring devices reactionless inductive limit signal indicator with interval switching are available.
On appliance of our isolating amplifiers KFA6...Ex1/ ...Ex2 the operating medium with type of protection intrinsic safety i. It has the classification I2G EExia IIC T6 and is approved for the operation in areas subject to explosion hazards. The isolating amplifiers must be installed outside of the explosion endangered areas. EC type examinations of the physical technical federal agency (PTB) about the intrinsic safety of the applied slot initiators and isolating amplifiers exists. Slot initiators in safety technology are deliverable optionally. For each limit value a two-core control cable is necessary. The allowed cable length between limit signal indicator and the after switch unit is according to PTB approximately 3 km, taking into account the intrinsic safety. The without contact working inductive limit signal indicators are also able for the application in liquid-filled measurement devices.
Technical Data ( I )
Nominal voltage: | 8 V DC (Ri ~ 1 kOhm) | Operating voltage: | 5 - 25 V DC | Current input: | ≥ 3 mA (active area free), ≤ 1 mA (active area covered) | Ambient temperature: | -20°C to +70°C bzw. respectively according to the particular measuring device characteristics. | Switching accuracy: | ca. 0,5% of the scale end value. |
3. Pneumatic limit value indicators ( P )
Mode of operation and application Pneumatic limit signal indicators are absolute explosion-proof (also appropriate for zone 0) and are working without contact. Like the inductive limit signal indicators they stand out by a high switching accuracy and also are highly insensitive against vibrations and shocks. The switching function can be easily reversed. The jet-collector nozzle system is located at the carrier arm that is coneccted with the nominal value pointer, while the control flag is moved by the actual value pointer. In this system a throttled, constantly streaming airflow is conducted from the jet nozzle in the collector nozzle. The low-pressure signal (>25 mbar) that is affiliated by the collector nozzle is conducted to the pre-amplifier [connection 77(E)] of the low-pressure switch. This causes that a micro switch is connecting the control connections 3 and 4 and therfore creates a switching effective output signal of 1,4 bar at the output 3. As the actual value pointer reaches the limit value pointer, the control flag that is taken along by the actual value pointer, interrupts the air stream in the jet-collector nozzle system. Because of the absence of the low-pressure signa at the per-amplifier the switch is now activated. The micro-switch returns to the initial position and de-aerate connection 3 through connection 5. Instead of the pneumatic lof-pressure switch (PP-Wandler) an electro/pneumatic converter (PE-transducer) can beapplied. This is recommended on combinations of pneumatic and electric devices and on the monitoring of signals across larger distances to avoid delays. The PP-transducer is openly mounted on the housings back side and is lowering the type of enclosure protection of the measuring device if applicable. In liquid-filled devices pneumatic limit value indicators cannot function (airstream!)

Technical Data ( P )
Converter: | PP-transducer (optional PE-transducer) | Air consumption: | <30 l/h / PP-transducer: < 40 Nl/h bei 1,4 bar | Operating pressure: | 1,4 bar ± 0,1bar / PP-transducer: 1,4 bar ± 0,2 bar | Purity requirements control pressure: | ≤ 0,04 mm | mech. durability: | PP-Wandler: 10⁸ Schaltspiele |
Special constructions: electric limit signal indicators on demand.