Limit signal transmitter electro-mechanical contacts type sheet 1100.1111

Limit signal transmitter electro-mechanical contact type 1100.1111

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This type sheet contents additional annotations to the switching functions and electrical connections of electro-mechanical limit signal indicators.
Detailed notes to the mode of operation and the application of electro-mechanical, inductive, electronic and pneumatic limit signal indicators can be found in  the overview 1100.1110.
For pressure gauges with implemented limit signal indicators individual data sheets with  dimension drawings are available.

The possible switching functions  are diagrammed in the following table. Thereby S is the type code  for low-action contact and M stands for magnetic contact.

Thecharacteristic number 1 stands for the switching function "is closing on transgression of the set  point in clockwise direction" (therefore is opening against the  clockwise direction).

The characteristic number 2 stands for the switching function "is opening on transgression of the set  point in clockwise direction" (therfore is closing against  clockwise direction).

The characteristic number 3 stands for a changeover contact.

Schematic diagramswitching functions / control behaviour at pointer movement in clockwise directioncharacteristic numberwith identification letter for contact type
Limit signal transmitter with one limit value
normally closed¹)S 2M 2
normally open ²)S 1M 1
Grenzsignalgeber als Wechsler
connections 1 and 4:
normally open ²)
connections 2 and 4:
normally closed¹)
S 3M 3
limit signal transmitter with two limit values
1. and 2. limit value
opener ¹)
S 22M 22
1. limit value opener ¹)
2. limit value closer ²)
S 21M 21
1. and 2. limit value
closer ²)
S 11M 11
1. limit value closer ²)
2. limit value opener ¹)
S 12M 12
¹) Opener: disconnects on transgression of the limit value in clockwise direction.
²) Closer: connects on transgression of the limit value in clockwise direction

Limit signal transmitter with 3 or 4 limit values
available for many measurement device versions, see data sheet for measurement devices, details on request; Schematic diagrams available on request; the indication of the switching function for the pointer movement is taking place in clockwise direction; ability for adjustment on top of each other:
triple GSG:set value pointers can be set above each other
quadruple GSG:    3 set value pointers can be set above each other.
A dot indicates, which set value pointer can be set above others.
Example: M222.1
1., 2. and 3. contact (opener) can be adjusted on top of each other,
4. contact (closer) applied right
Smallest distance of the applied set value pointer:
NG 100: 15°, NG 160: 10°

Contact pins
Default material silver-nickel, 10 μ gold-plated (Ag80Ni20-Au10μ)

Adjusting device
according to version
– centrally cast in the inspection glass (with polycarbonate) or
– in nickel-plated brass, centrical mounted in the inspection glass; loose key;

Electrical connection
according to the measurement device version (see data sheet measurement device)

– connection cable, length appr. 1 m,
with M 12 x 1,5 cable screw connection with strain relief, free cable ends acc. wiring diagram left indicated, with protective conductor (green/yellow)

– plug connector
with M 20 x 1,5 cable screw connection with strain relief, clamps numbered acc. left switching diagrams (see drawing), protective conductor clamp exisiting,

Elektrischer Anschluss Steckverbinder mit M 20 x 1,5 Kabelverschraubung mit Zugentlastung

The exact position of the der cable bushing or the plug connetor please refer to the data sheets of the according device types. 

CE marking
acc. to 89/336/EWG (EMV-RL) with the limitation of maximal 5 cycles per minute

Load tables for electro-mechanical limit signal transmitter low-action or magnetic contacts
Recommended contact load on resistive and inductive load and operation in air
Voltage acc. to DIN IEC 38low-action contactmagnetic contact
resistive loadinductive loadresistive loadinductive load
direct voltagealternating currentdirect currentalternating currentalternating current cos Ø>0,7direct currentalternating currentalternating current cos Ø>0,7
Limit values for the contact load on resistive load and operation in air (according to EN 60947-5-1:1991):
low-action contactmagnetic contact
Rated insulation voltage60 < U < 250 V60 < U < 250 V
Rated operating voltage Ueffmax. 250 Vmax. 250 V
Rated operating current:
switch on current0,7 A1,0 A
switch off current0,7 A1,0 A
continuous current0,6 A0,6 A
switching power10 W 18 VA30 W 50 VA
On limit signal transmitters with light spirals the rated operating currents are reduced to half due to the small cross section of the spiral spring.

The warranty for a preferably high  switching safety requires the knowledge of the whole electric installation in the  particular case and the consideration of all  relevant parameters.


Limit switches are subject to more or less deterioration according to the switching conditions through the mechanical stress  as well as by the influence of current heat and the arc load.
Because of the broad application area we  utilize the standard material silver-nickel,  10 μ gold-plated (Ag80Ni20Au10μ). The resistivity of this alloy against the effect of  the arc is exceedingly high. The gold plating increases the corrosion resistance and encumbers the building of an oxide layer. Thereby the switching reliablitiy at low switching powers is increased. For  especially difficult application cases noble metal alloys (gold- and platinum alloys, silver-palladium) are available on  demand. In particular cases we gladly advise you.

Isolated circuits
are possible with double and multiple contacts.

Limit signal transmitter with 2 limit values can be constructed on demand with coupled limit values or mit with one set value pointer and fixed distance of the contacts ((e.g. contact distance 3 °).

Adjuster (Ms vernickelt) with fixed key;
Adjuster CrNi-steel with loose or fixed key on demand

other plug connectors on demand


Impulse controlled multifunctional Relays type MSR
for increasing of the switching power
- for the improvement of the switching safety
- for the extension of the life cycle
- for the prevention of oil contaminations by the application
of magnetic contacts in filled pressure gauges
- for the prevention of flutter phenomena

CE-Zeichen     The multifunctional-relays of types
MSR 010 = 1 limit value,
MSR 020 = 2 limit values and
MSR 011 = intervall (no switching delay)
according to the EMV- and low tension guide lines and are bearing the CE-mark.

Details see type sheet 1100.1114.

   We reserve the right to alter technical data.